Is your computer sluggish? Are you noticing normal functions taking longer than usual? Has it been over six months since it’s last tune up? Do you want your computer to “just work right”? For those of you not interested in all the techno-mumbo-jumbo, Computer Solutions is here to Make IT easy!

Image: A young woman is sitting, with many open notepads and books around her, one book in her lap. She has a pen in hand with the end touching her chin. She is looking at her laptop, not smiling. There is a thought bubble above her head.

Text: "My Computer is so SLOW!" You need a Computer Solutions Tune-up! File Heath Check, Virus checks & Remediation, OS updates and patches. Call 860.239.0708 to schedule yours today!

Computer Solutions’s Tune Up Service is the solution for these concerns and more. We will make sure your computer is performing its best, is secure and patched, and can address other concerns you may have.

Give us a call at 860.239.0708 to schedule your Tune Up today! If you want to learn more about solutions for slow computers, follow this link –

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